“Jesus wept.” John 11:35
What a friend we have in Jesus, as the old hymn goes! Jesus was the ultimate demonstrator in ALL things.
“Jesus wept” is the shortest scripture in the Bible. In John 11, Lazarus, the brother of Mary and Martha has died. Mary and Martha sent for Jesus while he was still alive, yet sick, but Jesus chose to stay where He was instead of returning to Judea right away to heal Lazarus. In verse 4, Jesus said that the sickness wasn’t unto death but for the glory of God.
In John 11:11, Jesus tells the disciples, we’re going back to Judea because Lazarus has died, but I’m going to wake him up! In verses 21 & 32, Martha, then Mary (respectively), tell Jesus, “Had you been here while my brother was sick, he wouldn’t have died.”
The Bible tells us when Jesus saw Mary and those around her weeping, that He wept! What on earth did Jesus need to weep for? He had already said earlier in the chapter that the sickness wasn’t unto death but for the glory of God, and then in verse 7 He plain and simply said Lazarus is now dead, but I’m going to raise him from the dead! So why did He need to weep?
Jesus wept in verse 35 to say, “I feel you.” Romans 12:15 says, “Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.” This scripture is the blueprint for what a real friend is; when you have something to be happy about, I’m going to be happy with & for you. And when you’re hurting and crying, I’m going to cry with you.
Jesus stopped in the midst of performing a miracle to say hey, I feel your pain. What a friend!!
Now, you know I can’t end the post there – in verse 43 the Bible says, “He cried with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come forth!” 44And he who had died came out bound hand and foot with grave clothes, and his face was wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to them, “Loose him, and let him go.” Jesus had to be SPECIFIC and call Lazarus by his name! Had the Resurrection stood at the graveyard and just said, “Come forth!” then EVERYONE who’s been dead since Adam would have been raised from the dead!!
Sometimes our friends and loved ones don’t need a lecture from us when they’re hurting, they just need us to cry with them and let them know that I feel you!
This is excellent. Aleysha is such a talented and gifted writer. She is using her talents and gifts to glorify God and bless many people. Keep up the good work, you are doing the work of the ministry. Keep allowing God to be number one and glorified in your life. You are an inspiration and blessing to mankind.
Thank you ever so much!! God bless you.
Thanks for this great post. I love a book reveiw and now I want to read this for the first time!And thanks also for the last sentence. So true. My mother is flawed and our relationship complicated… but she is the only one I have. And now, battling cancer, the fragility of our time together is so real.
This is wonderful!! During our time in Warm Spirit I had the opportunity to see you one time and we didn’t officially meet. My first thought pleasant and wholesome! There is much more to you than one could ever know(smile). You have a talent for blessing others continue to let God use you to further his kingdom. Thank you for my blessing!
Thank you so much, Sis!! I really appreciate you sharing your thoughts, extremely kinds words and blessings. God bless you!
Great job sitesr! I pray that the Lord continues to give you words of wisdom to bless us with… Stay Blessed!