“Behold His mighty hand!”
With so many messages coming to us each and every day, constantly throughout the day – it’s a beautiful thing when our minds can equate a good and inspiring movie scene to our real life situations.
I was recently in San Diego, CA and as I looked out into the Pacific Ocean and could hear the waves clashing against each other, not only was it soothing, but it was spiritually moving. I said to my family, “Just imagine God opening the Pacific Ocean, and you being able to walk across on DRY land. Not muddy land after all of that water is separated, but dry land.” Clearly they knew the biblical story of Moses and the exodus of the children of Israel, but they had also seen such a magnificent act in the movie, The Ten Commandments.
In Exodus 14 of the Bible, the children of Israel are against more than just a rock and a hard place. They’re against the Red Sea and Pharaoh with his army coming behind them to kill them. Moses cries out to God and believe it or not, God said, “Why are you crying to Me? Tell the children of Israel to move forward,” verse 15. And then God did what only God could do, He separated the Red Sea causing the water to become walls on their left and their right, and they walked across on DRY land to the other side. Read it for yourself.
Now getting back to my trip to San Diego — as I saw this huge body of water and could hear it hundreds of feet away, I was reminded that no matter what I may be going through in life, whatever the challenge may be, God is more than able to handle it for me!
We need more inspirational movies in our lives. These days that we’re living in are filled with darkness, depression and bad news. We need some good news! I encourage you to take time to watch movies of a good report, movies that can increase and inspire your faith. Many people have a hard time talking to their children about the Bible, or God – well, there’s help for that! My friends at Christian movie company Pure Flix have a great collection of movies like the Ten Commandments, God’s Not Dead and plenty of movies and cartoons for children to teach them about God. These kind of movies will helphttps://pureflix.comyou to see that we’re not alone in this secular world – we don’t have to handle every difficult situation by ourselves, we don’t have all of the answers, but we have a Living God who’s very much involved in the lives of His people.
Give Pure Flix a chance to enhance your movie nights at home with good, wholesome entertainment. Check them out today and take advantage of their free month trial offer. You’ll be glad that you did when a scene of hope and encouragement plays in your mind during a time when you may feel discouraged. Trust me, I’ve been there.
Be blessed!
Awesome Christian Blog. Keep up the good work! iBlogGospel too.